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Chongqing Dongshuimen Bridge Pedestrian Walkway Slab


Chongqing Dongshuimen Bridge Pedestrian Walkway Slab

2023-12-11 13:42:02

The Chongqing Dongshuimen Bridge, completed in 2014, is a prominent landmark urban landscape and a vital public-rail dual-use bridge that spans the Yangtze River, linking Yuzhong District and Nanan District in Chongqing city. The main bridge extends approximately 858 meters and encompasses a two-way four-lane urban expressway on the upper level, designed to reach speeds of 40 km/h, and a two-lane urban rail transit on the lower level, designed to reach speeds of 60 km/h.

The bridge deck is paved with a hollow web slab produced by Spare, which can be utilized directly upon being paved with asphalt.

Chongqing Dongshuimen Bridge pedestrian walkway slabp0g
Chongqing Dongshuimen Bridge pedestrian walkway slab1o3z